Adventure, Amazon rainforest, Climate crisis, Conservation, Our story

Spark Intensity

I believe it is safe to say that the current youth protest movement for the environment is well known. Perhaps the reasons behind this are big business or corrupt governments. Truthfully I think the masses are paying attention because this time they are children. Although for how long? What concrete impact will this have to… Continue reading Spark Intensity

Adventure, Agriculture, Amazon rainforest, Homeschooling, Our story, Parenting

Time Spins Us All

Can you count the ways we discuss the passage of time? "Time flies when you're having fun", "in the blink of an eye" are but two expressions that pop up. There are countless. Some of us look at wrist watches, some live in the moment, others watch the sun slide across the sky. For each… Continue reading Time Spins Us All

Adventure, Amazon rainforest, Our story

Changing to be the Change

Evolution is necessary for survival. Sometimes it is slow and takes place over several generations. This journey I set myself on brought about some radical changes in a short amount of time. There must be great peace with being content solely with what is around oneself. I however, am more of a I'd like to… Continue reading Changing to be the Change

Amazon rainforest, Conservation, Our story

Intentions Into Actions

Today is a day when I totally get the expression "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". I am surrounded by good intentions, my own; my family's and friends have their own to add. There are even good intentions from the public at large. How is it that something so thoughtful and seemingly… Continue reading Intentions Into Actions

Adventure, Amazon rainforest, Our story

Stir, Whip and Bake

I love to cook. Scratch that, I love to create and food is one of my favourite palates! My specialty is my ability to make do with the ingredients I have on hand and come up with tantalizing recipes. Especially finding a way to mimic the flavour of a beloved recipe. I've substituted sweeteners (often… Continue reading Stir, Whip and Bake

Adventure, Amazon rainforest, Conservation, Magic, Our story, Parenting

We Are Wild Ones

Four years ago I made the journey from Canada to Peru with my six month old. We came back to our land after being away for a little more than half a year. We brought with us several packets of seeds and my heart was filled with hope. I find myself sharing this story often,… Continue reading We Are Wild Ones